Sunday, February 22, 2015

shodaime hokage Hashirama Senju

Hokage 1st shodaime hokage

  • Name: Hashirama Senju
  •      Date of Birth: Unknown
  •      Village: Konohagakure
  •      Blood type: -
  •      Eye Color: Black
  •      Hair Color: Black
  •      Height: 185 cm
  •      Weight: 74 kg
  •      Colleague: Tobirama Senju, Madara Uchiha (which now becomes Tobi), Hiruzen Sarutobi
  •      Level: Hokage
  •      Jutsu: Mokuton (wood element)
  •      Clan: Senju

Hokage Hashirama Senju is the first that has been set up with the power Mokuton Leaf-nya.hokage first is a senju clan which is salaha one of the strongest clans. senju hasirama or tops hokage this is closely linked with the founder Madara uchiha akatasuki, in the battle against the first hokage uchiha madara madara win and thought dead, despite the fact that madara uchiha naruto is still alive in his time. The first hokage death or Hashirama Senju is still unclear but, in the words of the members of Akatsuki Kakuzu, Kakuzu had taken the heart of this first Hokage.

great power Kyuubi

Kyuubi no Youkou

- Name: the nine-tailed Kyuubi (Kyuubi no Youkou)
- Type: Weasel or like a nine-tailed fox
- Jinchuuriki: Uzumaki Naruto (Konohagakure)
- Ability: Regeneration, unlimited chakra
- Status: Active

Kyuubi and the nine-tailed fox-shaped. It is said that he is the king of kings of the phantom. In Naruto, he is a stealth sealed within Naruto's body which causes him ostracized in his village of Konoha. Kyuubi strength is tremendous, by swinging the tail could raise tsunamis and flatten mountains. When the Kyuubi attacked Konohagakure, the 4th Hokage sealed it into baby Naruto by using the Dead Demon Consuming Seal and sacrifice himself as the sacrifice.

Kyuubi is a very powerful monsters and clever but heartless cruel and sadistic. However, he had the honor and acknowledge his defeat of the 4th Hokage, so he did not hesitate to help Naruto, whose body was used as a sealing by the 4th Hokage, by dividing chakra.

Hachibi no - Kyogi

Hachibi no Kyogi

- Name: Ushi-oni the tail eight (Hachibi)
- Type: Bull tailed eight (combination of bull and octopus)
- Jinchuuriki: Killer Bee, ninja comes from Kumogakure
- Ability: Catapult chakras form a large circle, using lightning element.
-Status: Active

This Bijuu form of a bull with octopus legs totaling 8. Its strength is not known for sure. However, he can shoot like a kind of giant fireball had Naruto in form 4 but larger tail. Target bijuu are Eagle team (team Sasuke).

hidden power of Shichibi no Kabutomushi

 Shichibi no Kabutomushi 

- Name: Shichibi no Kabutomushi
- Type: A type of Blue Beetle has a horn, has
6 wings and one sting in part
behind her as
- Jinchuuriki: A Kunoichi from Takigakure village named Fuu
- Status: Captured and sealed Akatsuki

This Bijuu lodged in the body Fuu
ninja of Takigakure. His ability is not in the know.

This biju can add chakra

Rokubi no Namekuji 

- Name: Rokubi the tail six Rokubi 
- Type: Snails
- Jinchuuriki: A ninja of Kirigakure named Utakata
- Status: sealed Akatsuki

This Bijuu lodged in the body
Utakata. This Bijuu master
Bubble elements.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Gobi no Irukauma strength dodge

Gobi no Irukauma *

- Name: Gobi the tail five
- Type: mix of horses and dolphins
- Jinchuuriki: A Iwagakure ninja named Han
- Status: Captured Akatsuki

This Bijuu master 5 elements (water, earth, fire, air, lightning).

This demon named Yonbi no Saru

Yonbi no Saru

- Name: Yonbi no Saru
- Type: A red colored Apes
- Jinchuuriki: An old man named Roushi (Iwagakure)
- Status: Captured by Akatsuki

Info: Roushi contains four tailed demon, which takes the form
large emitting lava gorilla.
He was appointed as a Jinchuuriki
by Iwagakure, at some point he and his village
parted. He travels the world
to try and understand
power. he uses
Bijuu to create Youton
(Lava Element) Ninjutsu, a combination of Earth and Fire Elements
which creates lava
could melt through anything.
He was defeated in battle by Kisame.

strength biju Sanbi no Kyodaigame

Sanbi no Kyodaigame

- Name: Sanbi the tail three (三 尾 Sanbi no Kyodaigame)
- Type: creatures like turtles
- Jinchuuriki: Yagura
- Ability: Wind Element
- Status: Captured by Akatsuki

This three-tailed Bijuu form
like a turtle with terrible force.
However, the tail of three
do not have the intelligence to
control power so by Deidara, his ability is only one
higher level of animal
plain wild.

His ability is spitting wind element
quickly. It has
high moving speed
despite having a body that
great before finally captured by Deidara and Tobi of Akatsuki

biographical data about biju Nibi no Nekomata

* Nibi no Nekomata

- Name: the demon cat tail two ニ 尾 の 猫 俣 (Nibi no Bakeneko)
- Type: Bakeneko (cats God of Death)
- Jinchuuriki: Yugito Nii (Kumogakure)
- Special Ability: The ability of the element of fire
- Status: Captured by Akatsuki

Nibi is a bijuu in the form of a cat. In the story of Naruto, he was sealed inside the body
Kunoichi named Yugito Nii
from Kumogakure. Nekomata have breathing fire (Fire Breathing). Nibi eventually arrested by two members of Akatsuki, the Hidan and Kakuzu.

devil-owned land because of this sand named Ichibi no Shukaku

 Ichibi no Shukaku

- Name: Shukaku the tail one (Ichibi no Shukaku) or
Shukaku of the desert (Suna no Shukaku)
鶴 守 の 砂 - Type: Tanuki (raccoon dog or a raccoon-dog in language
England, native to Japan in some surrounding areas)
- Jinchuuriki: Gaara, then taken over by Akatsuki (Sunagakure)
- Special Ability: Firing the cannon wind
concentrated using chakra
- Status: Captured and absorbed by Akatsuki

Shukaku was named the god of wind
by the ancient Japanese.
Formerly he was the pastor of the
exposed to sandstorms. he then
transformed into a badger
tailed one and rely on a wind jutsu attacks. In the manga and anime Naruto he sealed within Gaara's body and use the soul as tumbalnya Gaara's mother. Suna ever had
two Jinchuuriki before Gaara,
but both of them were killed after
Shukaku removed from the body
they are. Shukaku very clever but behaving like a drunk person. word
"Shukaku" itself can mean
"Drunk" in Japanese. Like the other Bijuu, nature
grumpy and bloodthirsty Jinchuuriki can make
drawn away and
destroy what is in

As the Jinchuuriki, Gaara
have the ability to
control and control
sand, and protected at all times
by shielding the sand, but he
should suffer a lifetime of insomnia due to the effects of
obtainment side.
Garaa will never be able to sleep
because when she sleeps, Shukaku
will dominate the body and

- Shukaku has the form
like a badger, raccoon or panda so sometimes those
people difficult to distinguish.
- Tanuki, like Kitsune, is the mystical creatures in the Japanese mythology, and sometimes both compete with one
each other.
- There is a story about
pastor and the Tanuki
transform themselves into a tea kettle,
namely Bunbuku Chagama.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Ninja with the power chakra threads Sasori


     Age: Unknown
     Origin: Sunagakure
     Membership Status: Deceased, was replaced by Tobi
     Ring:  ("Virgo")
     Ring position: Left Thumb
     Couple: Formerly Deidara, before it Orochimaru
     The first introduction: Chapter 238, Naruto Episode 135
     The first sighting: Chapter 247, Naruto Shippuden Episode 2
     Characteristic: Expert dolls, doll body, poison specialist
     Seiyu: Takahiro Sakurai, Yutaka Aoyama (Hiruko)

Sasori, also known as Sasori of the red sand (Akasuna no Sasori), is a fugitive ninja from Sunagakure. "Sasori" also means scorpion. After the death of his parents, Sasori was raised by his grandmother, Chiyo, who taught him everything about the doll. After proving adept with the ability, Sasori uses his newfound knowledge to transform the body into a puppet with his parents attempt to feel loved. Because they only emotionless puppets, this effort failed, and he left Sunagakure for twenty years until he was introduced. Sometime after leaving the village, Sasori joined Akatsuki and eventually paired with Orochimaru. After Orochimaru left Akatsuki, Sasori teamed with Deidara, although he always carried a grudge against Orochimaru.

In partnership with Deidara, both are often debated, particularly about their views in the art of conflict. Deidara thought that art is something that is quickly lost, while Sasori believed that fine art is something wonderful that can last long into the future. It reflects their individual nature (Deidara made clay sculptures that could explode, Sasori makes human dolls that can last a long time). Deidara from the outside seems to respect Sasori confidence to the art, although not appreciate the confidence Deidara Sasori. He also does not like to wait and make people wait. As a member of Akatsuki, Sasori was assigned to capture one of the Tailed (Bijuu), although a brief conversation between him and Deidara explained that he did not even know which one should Tailed arrest.

In the fight, Sasori uses puppets, where the favorite is Hiruko, which is controlled from the inside to protect themselves from enemy attacks. Due to frequent use Hiruko Sasori, even decorate it with clothes Akatsuki, most people can only accept it as long as he is wearing it. If proved useless Hiruko Sasori can use himself in battle, because his body has been transformed into a puppet. It also gives the advantage for him to appear unnaturally young. Sasori's puppet body allows him to control hundreds of puppets at once through a mechanism on his chest that can generate a lot of chakra strings. Because the doll can not control chakra, Sasori has preserved his heart in a cylindrical apparatus, which allowed him to use puppets in battle. Because his heart is the living part of himself, his puppet body is virtually indestructible, so that he can return to its original shape when smashed apart. In addition, he can transfer his heart to another puppet, and leave the body that can not be repaired.

Most of the Sasori puppet made out of a human body. Once the body's internal organs removed, dried blood, then the body is preserved so that it does not rot, it can be used as a "Puppet Man" (hitokugutsu). Because of these dolls were once human, they are capable of using chakra and jutsu, giving them a drastic advantage over stuffed in general. He said that he had 298 beneka manifold like this. Favorite human puppet is the 3rd Kazekage, who was kidnapped and murdered before leaving Sunagakure, which also means he can use Iron Sand ability Kazekage to three. With Aka Higi: Hyakki no Soen mean, red secret technique: Controller 100 puppets, Sasori can summon one hundred human puppets into his army, where they are already defeated Sasori opponent. To increase the attack power puppet, Sasori add toxins to the doll creations. The effects of these toxins can immediately react and kill the target after suffering for three days. Only a very talented medical ninja who can create an antidote.

Sasori has a number of spies that spread in the world of Naruto, which is controlled by the mind. One is Yura, which is used to facilitate Deidara Sasori capturing Gaara. After Deidara succeeded in his task and Tailed Shukaku from Gaara successfully removed Akatsuki, Naruto entourage arrived to retrieve Gaara. After the group splits up to fight Deidara and Sasori, Sasori had to deal with Chiyo and Sakura Haruno. By controlling Sakura as a puppet, Chiyo managed to help him destroy Hiruko and the Third's. In order to win the battle this, Sasori uses his puppet troops to defeat the pair Chiyo-Sakura, although Chiyo dolls can beat him. After the puppet body can not move anymore, Sasori moved to a new doll body, and trying to sneak to attack Chiyo, although Sakura stymie such attacks. Using this opportunity as profits, Chiyo call dolls parents, who had prepared since departed from Sunagakure, which then pierced the heart of Sasori in the arms of the doll. As a reward for Sakura who had defeated Sasori tells about his spy Kabuto Yakushi and when and where he can see him.