Sunday, February 22, 2015

great power Kyuubi

Kyuubi no Youkou

- Name: the nine-tailed Kyuubi (Kyuubi no Youkou)
- Type: Weasel or like a nine-tailed fox
- Jinchuuriki: Uzumaki Naruto (Konohagakure)
- Ability: Regeneration, unlimited chakra
- Status: Active

Kyuubi and the nine-tailed fox-shaped. It is said that he is the king of kings of the phantom. In Naruto, he is a stealth sealed within Naruto's body which causes him ostracized in his village of Konoha. Kyuubi strength is tremendous, by swinging the tail could raise tsunamis and flatten mountains. When the Kyuubi attacked Konohagakure, the 4th Hokage sealed it into baby Naruto by using the Dead Demon Consuming Seal and sacrifice himself as the sacrifice.

Kyuubi is a very powerful monsters and clever but heartless cruel and sadistic. However, he had the honor and acknowledge his defeat of the 4th Hokage, so he did not hesitate to help Naruto, whose body was used as a sealing by the 4th Hokage, by dividing chakra.

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